I started writing this blog around three months ago. Since then, I have continued writing articles every day. Finally, I finished writing 100 articles yesterday. In the beginning, the purpose of writing this blog was only to practice writing English. And my goal was to write 30 articles. But writing an English article has...
Admiring celebrities motivate you to learn English
I watch Hollywood movies and American popular TV dramas sometimes. There are many celebrities there. They inspired me to master English because they are cool. Many people want to behave like celebrities. I think that speaking in imitation of celebrities is a good way to learn English. Learning some skills start by imitating someone....
NativeCamp is a reasonable online English lesson service
I have been learning English in various ways such as taking English lessons, studying textbooks, watching movies, making foreign friends, writing a blog, traveling abroad, etc. for several years. One of these ways is NativeCamp which is an online English lesson service. I have been using it for 4 months. The reasons why I...
Doing YouTube is helpful for learning English!
I have been working as a YouTuber for several years. I have interviewed many foreigners and explained my opinions in English on my YouTube channel. It is helpful to improve my English skill. Because, not only that I have to communicate with foreigners well, but also I have to listen to my English to...
Why many Japanese people don’t speak English?
Many Japanese people don’t speak English. English is not the official language in Japan, of course. But other Asian countries such as Taiwan, Korea speak English more. Japanese people start learning English from junior high school and continue learning until college. So usual Japanese people study English for 10 years. But most of them...
HelloTalk is an amazing app for finding language exchange partnars
It is necessary to speak a lot to master foreign languages. But taking language lessons costs money and the lessons’ time is limited. So it is the best way to make foreign friends to master their languages. HelloTalk is a language exchange app widely used in all over world. You can find language exchange partners in this...
The differences about teaching methods of English between Japan and Germany
Many Japanese people are struggling to master English. They usually have learned English for over 6 years through junior high school to high school. But many of them don’t speak English as properly as they should. I interviewed a German YouTuber who speaks 3 languages including English and Japanese on my YouTube channel....
Online English lessons improved my English skill
I have been studying English for many years. Thanks to having studied, I became able to speak English to some extent. I make good use of English and do my own business, especially for YouTube. I have tried many kinds of study methods so far. The most useful method for me was online...
Studying English in New York
In 2018, I lived in New York for 6 months. That stay was for the purpose of business and learning English. I went to English language school in New York for 3 months. The school is great! I enjoyed the classes. The teachers were nice, friendly. Classmates were great. I grew friendly with some...
Learning new languages is pleasant!
I’m talking to foreign people in many languages in this YouTube video. They are English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Dutch, German, Polish, Georgian, Italian, Greek, French, Japanese. There are 14 languages in all. But I can’t speak all these languages fluently. I can only say a few greetings like “Hello” and “Thank you” except for English and Japanese. But it’s a good way to...