Increase Customer Satisfaction Is Necessary To Acquire Repeat Customers

customer satisfaction

To have stable income, you have to increase repeat customers.

To increase repeat customers, you have to increase customer satisfaction.

I told that in the previous article.

An Acquisition of Repeat Customers Is Important For Stable Business

Then, how to increase customer satisfaction?

The most important thing is to provide customers with value which is worth more than the price.


Let’s think about the relationship between the value of the product and the price in these ways.


[ value > price ]

customer satisfaction will be increased.


[ value < price ]

customer satisfaction will be decreased.


That’s it.

Very simple.


So, even if the price is high, you can increase customer satisfaction as long as you provide higher value for customers.

On the other hand, even if the price is low, you cannot increase customer satisfaction as long as you provide lower value for customers.


But the evaluation of products depends on customers.

Some customers may evaluate your products higher, but others may not.

So you have to select the right customers to sell your products.

If you sell to wrong customers, they don’t evaluate your products no matter how hard you try to develop good products.

So, select the right customers. Then, provide them with valuable products.

They will be satisfied. Then, they will become repeat customers.

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